Team MOGAS had a wonderful time with the staff of The Periwinkle Foundation to celebrate being the top fundraising team for the 2023 Periwinkle Kickball Classic! This year, we raised $5,714.44 to support
The Periwinkle Foundation in its mission to provide camps, arts, and long-term survivor programs for children, young adults, and families challenged by cancer and other life-threatening illnesses at
Texas Children's Hospital. We are so proud of the opportunities given to us this year to have fun while raising money for an incredible cause.
Since 2017, the employees of MOGAS Industries Inc. have collectively raised $25,079.29 for The Periwinkle Foundation. Our employees love to give! We are so grateful for the passionate and creative ways that our team looks to support so many causes throughout Houston and around the world. During this holiday season, we encourage you to find an organization in need and give through your time, talent, or treasure.
Thank you to our 2023 Bad News Ballers jersey sponsors: Wingstop (Lake Jackson), Rice Hotel,
MVP Screen Print.